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Echoak is a Grass-type Pokemon introduced in Pokemon West and East in June 1990, replacing Bowren. It evolves from Batwig at level 16, which evolves to Terosideye in level 36.


Echoak, the Bat Pokemon


Echoak resembles a bipedal, dragon-like bat, with pink ears and hands,green wings, and hooked, bird-like feet. Similar to Batwig, it has dark green inner sectioned wings, and has a leaf-like tail. Its face looks like as if it were menacing.

Pokedex Entry

Evolution caused this Pokemon to fly more easily. Echoak is based known for its screams during battle.

Strengths and Weaknesses

This Pokemon is weak against:

Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, and Bug

This Pokemon is strong against:

Water, Rock, Ground


Screech (Level 1 or upon evolving)

Tackle (Level 1)

Leer (Level 1)

Absorb (Level 1)

Gust (Level 1)

Quick Attack (Level 12)

Razor Leaf (Level 17)

Wing Attack (Level 21)

Sonic Boom (Level 26)

Agility (Level 32)

Wood Hammer (Level 34)

Aerial Ace (Level 36)

Hyper Fang (Level 41)


  • The starter that was used for Echoak was formerly Sproutypus, a platypus-like Pokemon introduced in 1983, and Bowren, a chicken-like Pokemon introduced in 1987.
  • Echoak looks like dragon-like bat.
  • Surprisingly, Echoak, along with its pre-evolution and evolution, can learn Gust, Wing Attack, and Aerial Ace, despite not being part Flying-type.


Echoak is based on a vampire. It also looks like a dragon, since its face is menacing and has sharp fangs.

Name Origin

Echoak's name is based on "echo" or :"echolocation" and "oak."


previous: Batwig next: Terosideye
