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Georgisia map

6 states of Georgisia

Georgisia is a country of islands and a big city. It has 1 million of population.

Georgisia has the schools:

Type of Schools For Ages
Pre-school 2-6 year olds
Primary School 6-10 year olds
High School 10-14 year olds
Secondary school 14-18 year olds
University 18-24 year olds


The first sports on Georgisia was Kolhii, in 1956.


The first popular channels was NBN 1, NBN 2 and NBN 3, but two of the channels has NBN Kids block and channel, but as from NBN Teens, the Block is only on NBN 2, it is too a channel.


The radio on Georgisia went on 1910s, but in the 1912 founded a radio from NBN Rado, that was on Radio.


  • New Year's Eve- January 1
  • Valentine's Day- February 14
  • Children's Day- April 5
  • Mother's Day- First Sunday of May
  • Christmas/ 25th December


Georgisia founded in 1283 by Saniua Sawna, as Georgiah sia, but in 1886 renamed as Georgisia, but the first cities in 1283 was Linna and Liona, and Linna was a capital City, but in 1566 is was second citties, Merlina City, Lole City and Haikal, but it was not Haikal was a capital city, it was Merlina City, by 1887 was the last, Cidade de Kiara (means Kiara City), but in 1900, Haikal turns a capital city.
