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    Hoarata, officially the Kingdom of Hoarata (Hoaratese: Malupuni o 'Oarata) is a Polynesian country, and also an archipelago comprising of 39 islands. It is surrounded by Tonga to the south, and Samoa to the north. Hoarata had a population of 242,152 in 2020.

Humans migrated to Hoarata since the first millenium BC. It was part of the Kingdom of Tonga until a Hoaratese rebellion occured in 1538. Europeans visited the country in the 17th century, starting with the Dutch. In 1901, the Kingdom of Hoarata became a British protectorate in order to protect the island from Germany, which colonized part of Samoa two years later. In 1976, Hoarata's status as a protectorate ended. After revolts in 1988, Hoarata became a constitutional monarchy in 1993.
