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Kocaria, full name of the anthem, Kocaria shall never surrender (Kocarian: Косэрия никога нэ даця; Koseriya nikoga ne datsya) is the national anthem and state song of the Republic of Kocaria adopted in 1992 and still in use as of today. The anthem uses the same melody of the British national anthem.

It was originally a poem written by a Kocarian poet, Mekhail Treshnuzhva. It was later converted into a song and officially adopted the national anthem of Kocaria one year after independence.



Косэрия никога нэ даця,
Она наша великэ сэрца,
Наша Косэрия.
спаси нас от вэсэ бэдствия,
Без Косэрия ми нэ можэм жита.
Абсолутно ничто нэ можэт остановити нас,
дажэ вэликэ дэржавэ нэ могут!


Koseriya nikoga ne datsya,
Ona nasha belike sertsa,
Nasha Koseriya.
Spasi nas ot vese bedsrviya,
Bez Koseriya mi ne mozhem zhita.
Absolutno nichto ne mozhet ostanoviti nas,
Dazha velike derzhave ne mogut!


Kocaria shall never surrender,
She is our great heart,
Our Kocaria.
Save us from every disasters,
Without Kocaria, we cannot live.
Absolutely nothing can stop us,
Not even great powers can!
