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Main article: Laurentian Rating Standards Board

Laurentian rating system

The Federal Republic of St. Lawrence's TV rating system uses 7 different tiers, used to symbolize whether or not it is acceptable for kids to view the program.


  • Exempt: Shows which are exempt from these ratings (such as news and sports programming) will not display any such on-screen ratings at all, and will rarely be seen on the screen.
  • C: Programming suitable for children ages of 0–7 years. No profanity or sexual content of any content level allowed. Equivalent to TV-Y in the US/Mushroom Kingdom, G (Général) in Quebec, Green Logo in Denmark, G (General Patronage) in the Philippines, 0+ in the Tseng Republic, FSK 0 in Germany, or Uc in the UK. (Before 2009 when the UK got rid of the Uc rating)
  • C8: Suitable for children ages 8+. Low level violence and fantasy horror is allowed. No foul language is allowed in content with this rating, but occasional "socially offensive and discriminatory" language is allowed if in the context of the story. No sexual content of any level allowed in the content. Equivalent to TV-Y7 in the US/Mushroom Kingdom, 8+ in Quebec, FSK 6 in Germany, or U or PG in the UK.
  • G: Suitable for general audiences. Programming suitable for the entire family with mild violence, and mild profanity and/or censored language. Equivalent to TV-G in the US/Mushroom Kingdom or U in the UK.
  • PG: Parental guidance suggested. Some violence and language, as well as mild sexual content are allowed. Equivalent to TV-PG in the US/Mushroom Kingdom, PG in the Philippines, 12+ in Tseng, FSK 12 in Germany, or PG also or 12 in the UK.
  • 14+: Programming intended for viewers ages 14 and older. May contain intense violence and strong coarse language, and some strong sexual content. Equivalent to TV-14 in the US/Mushroom Kingdom, Yellow Logo in Denmark, 13+ in Quebec, 14+ in Tseng, or 12 or 15 in the UK. It is also equivalent to hard PG and soft SPG in the Philippines and the FSK 16 in Germany.
  • 18+: Programming intended for viewers ages 18 and older. May contain graphic violence as well as graphic sexual content and crude indecent language. Programming with this rating cannot air before the watershed (9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.). Equivalent to TV-MA in the US/Mushroom Kingdom, Red/Blue Logo in Denmark, 18+ in Quebec, 17+ in Tseng, hard SPG in the Philippines, FSK 18 in Germany, or 18 in the UK.


All free-to-air TV channels in the FRSL should be mandatory to use this, for cable and/or specialty channels, they would use either this or their own ratings. They will show the C, C8, G, PG, 14+, and 18+ DOG for 5 to 10 seconds on the upper left.

For newscasts, documentaries, sports or educational content, there is no need to show the E (Exempt) rating. However, some channels show the E rating.
