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PlusDubs, S.A. is a French dubbing studio based Marseilles, France founded on 22 June 2002 by French businessman François-Guillaume Parouché. Philippe Mouneille is the CEO of the company.


On 22 June 2002, François-Guillaume Parouché founded PlusDubs, using an empty building in Marseilles as its main studio and headquarters. Parouché hired translators Pierre Dominu, Matuieu Mareau, Louis de Mareau, and Gaspard Munaux to translate productions. In October of 2002, the company began working on dubbing Goguto!.



French dub release Original release Title Country Original language(s) Note(s)
2003 1998 Goguto Japan Japanese Dub rcorded in Marseille; first French dub by the studio.
2005 1996 The Golden Kingdom Kawa English Dub recorded in Marseille.
2007 2004 Goguto 600 Japan Japanese Dub recorded in Saint-Denis.
2009 2007 Bobby and the Big Guy United States English Dub recorded in Paris.
2010 2003 Mukan Shift Japan Japanese Dub recorded in Marseille.
Dub recorded in Marseille.
Dub recorded in Lyon.


  1. PlusDubs owns studios in Marseille, Paris, Lyon, and Saint-Denis.