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The Robloxian Republic, also known as Robloxia or Roblox, is a country in Europe and North America. It is the 3rd largest country in the world in land area.


Before 1989, Robloxia was once under the rule of the Dynobloxian Empire, run by the Dynasty of Dynoblox. Until then, it was an isolated empire without any exploration by outsiders since at least the 1980s as a result of a strict policy made by the leadership at the time. Under a dual monarchy with the Nooblandian State, the latter attempted to rebel several times in the 1989s. The Robloxian and Nooblandian revolutionaries attempted to collaborate several times with various levels of success. However, a successful attempt managed to liberate the eastern region in 1989 as a constitutional monarchy that opposed Catholicism; this caused a feeling of alienation for pro-Robloxian Nooblandians (though folk religions were practiced there as well).

Nooblandian Revolution[]

By the end of the First Robloxian Civil War, those who supported the Dynobloxians were executed without trial in the town that they resided in. Once the Nooblandians realised that this extended to them as well, they later staged a successful rebellion in 1989.

Trouble with the Monarchy (1989-?)[]


Main article: Robux

Robux (R$) is the official currency of Robloxia. President David Bazucki discovered a blank note bill and called it Robux.

Robux has been used before Robloxia was founded.

Exchange Rate[]

Robux is not a very valuable currency. However, inflation is 50%, not as bad as V-bucks at 300%.

The exchange rate is $1 to 80 Robux.


Robloxia is officially, by the Constitution, a secular country, with religious freedom.


See Christianity in Robloxia for more information.

Christianity remains as the predominant religion of Robloxia, with it representing 70% of the population's faith. Protestants make up the largest portion of the denomination practiced in this country (specifically Lutheranism and Anglicism). Catholics once made up a large percentage of the population but are now mostly concentrated in the west and the Nooblandian diaspora.

The state religion was, at one point, Catholicism when the Dynobloxian Empire was still prominent until the 20th century. It was introduced in the region by several groups of missionaries arriving to the island from the Iberian peninsula between the sixth and twelfth centuries.

However, the Protestant Reformation had a large influence to many nobles in Eastern Robloxia. As they converted, the empire began to have a large amount of Protestants in the eastern areas, who were able to sway more influence for their denomination. King Magnos IV became the state religion in 1989, the year in which the Dynobloxian Empire collapsed due to a succession crisis. Being extremely anti-Catholic himself, many were often killed for their beliefs. Once he demanded that the Bloxburg Cathedral be a place of worship for Lutherans, the Bloxburg Papal Riots spurred on as a conflict between the two factions.

Once the riots ended and the cathedral became a Protestant church, Markos Augustus began recruiting other people to openly rebel against the Protestants. Once his goals were complete, he declared West Robloxia to be independent. Seeing it as illegitimate, the First Robloxian Civil War began.

Robloxian Religion Chart

Religion Chart in Robloxia

Protestantism Chart

Protestant Denominations Chart in Robloxia
