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Weef is an Indo-European language spoken by the Weefs in West Asia and Western India. It is closely related to Albanian and is the official language of Weefistan and India.


Weef, like Albanian and English, is an SVO language. A question word is always written at the end of a question. The language has five cases, nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, and ablative. Numbers are used to pluralize nouns, but if indefinite, in this case, the -nim suffix is used.

The Weef counterpart of the apostrophe is the letter "û", representing the /ɤ/ sound.

Sample sentences[]

  • Ü baiý gan ühanşam. - I did it myself.
  • Ü dernad n'mánre cin. - I have a pet dog.
  • Ü duam jüa. - I love you.
  • Bá i'gáskaý n'maýin. - She is driving a car.
  • Na dimiýa jüa. - We will help you.
  • i'Jüai namé cafa? - What is your name?


no̞—one tezdhet—eighteen
dua—two nangdhet—nineteen
tré—three dhua—twenty
qato̞r—four no̞dhua—twenty-one
pėz—five duadhua—twenty-two
gjaýa—six dhré—thirty
ýtad—seven tüzet—forty
tez—eight tuazet—fifty
nang—nine trézet—sixty
dhet—ten qatzet—seventy
no̞dhet—eleven pėzet—eighty
duadhet—twelve gjazet—ninety
trédhet—thirteen gėnta—one hundred
qato̞rdhet—fourteen pėzgėnta—five hundred
pėzdhet—fifteen mja—one thousand
gjaýadhet—sixteen mėlun—one million
ýtadhet—seventeen mėlat—one billion
