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Win-olies is the tenth largest city in Clyohraira. The city was once known for its highest Shinto population in Clyohraira, resulting in it being formerly referred to as the City of Rairan Shintos. In 2001, the Government of Clyohraira declared a ban on Shintoism, which also also included anything that had origins, inspired and/or related to Shintoism, and its culture and its practices. The government demolished any buildings that are Shinto, like the Tplarbe Shrine.


Win-olies top view 1957

Top view of Win-olies in 1957 before the completion of the Tplarbe Shrine

Win-olies top view 1959

Top view of Win-olies in 1959 after the completion of the Tplarbe Shrine

After the first nuclear bomb (called BE15DL Alphad) was tested by the Government of Kadersaryina, a government-owned construction company called, Goydcayd started the construction of the Tplarbe Shrine for the Saryinan Shinto religious leader named Avlzodsve Tplarbe. Eventually more government-owned construction companies were involved to construct a new town called Win-olies. When the companies started the construction, the grass was covered up by mostly limestone and shale, the rest being used for the Tplarbe Shrine. At the time, concrete was used for the roads in the Region of Raira instead of asphalt because it was less common in Raira, so the roads at the time looked very outdated for 1950s standards.
